10 good reasons for BSOC.
Barista Master
The comprehensive training. Two weeks of bundled knowledge so you can get started straight away! Includes exams, detailed report and certificates.
Barista Professional
This 5-day special training includes the Barista Basic, Barista Advanced, Latte Art, Cupping & Senses and Seasonal Drinks seminars. The 5-day course gives you a complete overview of the world of coffee and equips you to work confidently as an expert barista, to train your employees in the basics of coffee and to increase the quality of your coffee.
Barista "Technik"
This 4-day special training includes the Machines, Barista Basic, Barista Advanced and Latte Art seminars. The 4-day course gives you a complete overview of the world of coffee and equips you to work confidently as an expert barista, to train your employees in the basics of coffee and to increase the quality of your coffee. The machines seminar focuses on the technical aspects of coffee making.
Barista Compact
This 3-day, compact training course includes the Barista Basic, Barista Advanced and Latte Art seminars. Enjoy the advantages of this offer. After completing these seminars you will have established solid background knowledge and collected numerous practical experiences.
Coffeebar founder Week
So you want to take a huge step and open your own coffee bar? We´ll help you! In this 5-day course you´ll learn everything for the realisation of your dream, from planning to coffee preparation. The company founder week includes the Coffee Bar Planning, Coffee Bar Management, Competition Analysis seminars, as well as the Barista Basic and Barista Advanced courses.
Coffeeshop founder Compact
This 3-day compact training course includes the Coffee Shop Planning, Coffee Bar Management and Competition Analysis seminars: 3 of the most important tools for you as a leader in the coffee sector. Enjoy the price advantage of this offer and benefit from the knowledge we have to share with you.
Roastmaster Week
The roasting of coffee beans belongs to the fine arts of the sector. During the roasting week, you will be equipped with the theoretical knowledge you need to roast coffee, and gain practical experience with raw coffee and its further processing. Coffee experts with many years of roasting experience grant fascinating insights into their craft.
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